Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Shyler's naughty reading

My daughter Shyler is in Kindergarten, and so she's been bringing home little reading books...Well last nights books new words were, "Sheet" and "Sell"... As she was reading through she came to the word "Sit"...but remembering she had been using the "sh" sound...that's how she sounded it out.... It was quite funny actually, and I'm so bad, I let her do it, then I laughed, and explained her mistake. "Sh.... it..... shit"... Too funny.


Andrea said...

Some of those non Sam books are crazy. Has she brought home the tortilla on yet? Tortilla-seriously? That's not exactly a "sound it out" word.

The Mecham Family said...

Yes, some of the non-Sam books do have big words!

Unknown said...

it's the only time you hear your kids cuss and think it's sweet!

Nate said...


Sassy Salsa girl said...

That is hilarious!!! lol!!!