Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Embarrassing moment

My cousin's wife Rose shared an embarrassing moment on her blog, and it made me remember my own similar moment, so I had to share...
When Shyler was potty training, i was in Albertsons and she had to use the bathroom. Cole took Easton to the car, and I ran her quickly to the bathroom as to avoid an accident. As we are in the stall, someone exits their stall and washes their hands. And I can hear low talking, and it's a man, but I think it is the radio or something coming out of overhead speakers... Then I hear someone enter the bathroom and they walk into the stall next to us. I notice they look like boy shoes and they are facing the toilet, and then I hear peeing... OMG! I am in the men's bathroom!!!!!!!!! And that talking is a man on his cell phone while he washes his hands!!! I AM MORTIFIED. Luckily I'm in a stall and they can't see me, but I try to keep Shyler quiet as to not draw attention to us... I cower in the stall until I hear both of the other occupants have left. I grab Shyler and we race out of there. No- we did not wash our hands- I couldn't risk the humiliation of being caught in there! HAHAHAHA. It was so embarrassing and SO funny!


Andrea said...

Great story. I had to use a men's room in a Hogi Yogi restaurant once. The women's was out of order or something. I asked my friends to watch the door for me (guess it didn't lock). Anyway, a guy came in while I was washing my hands (no stalls in this bathroom-I was lucky he hadn't come in a minute earlier). I was a little ticked at my friends. :)

Unknown said...

That's awesome - thanks for the chuckle!

Sassy Salsa girl said...
