Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Crazy Snow storm

We got so much snow yesterday, that school was cancelled! I decided not to go to work, since reports were that the roads were nasty. We hung out at home, baked, watched movies, played in the snow... We even lost power during the night from the storm, but it was back on so I could bake during the day. :)
Cute story: When I told Shyler school was cancelled, she put her head down, walked down to her bedroom and said she was going to watch tv. I heard her sniffling so I went downstairs to investigate. I found her standing by her tv crying! Broke my heart. I said, "Honey, it's ok, they'll do the Polar Express when you get back to school". She sobbed, "that's not why i'm crying...I just really want to go to school!"...


Tara Oliver said...

awwww!! from Hawaii to this, huh? love the pictures!!

Andrea said...

I realized after you left last night that you gave us two Christmas treats in just a couple of days. What a very generous baker you are. :)

We never did get word about the new date for Polar Express. Maybe Zoie's teacher isn't as into email as Shyler's.