Day 1- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts...(this will be tough, i'm not very interesting...)
(Taken today)
1- I can do weird things with my eyes; like wiggle them fast, keep one looking straight while the other moves around, turn my eyelids inside out...
2- I grew up on a little island in Washington state.
3- I love the smell of fresh rain on the asphalt
I told you this would be hard... ugh... what else...
4- I talk ALOT! I'm not kidding, it's hard to shut me up
5- I love playing sports and I REALLY REALLY miss playing.
6- I'm very competitive and I hate losing. This goes for whether I'm playing a sport myself, playing a board game, or even watching football on tv and my team is losing. I HATE it!
7- I love to sing.
8- I have two beautiful children who never fail to make me smile.
9- My husband is a hot & sexy man who I cannot imagine being without.
10- I've worked at the same company for 10 years!!!!!! WOW! Crazy.
11- I tried to make a big deal out of turning 30, but in reality, it wasn't that big of a deal.
12- I held a baby alligator once at an alligator farm in Colorado- it rocked :) I think reptiles are cool
13- I went to 4 different colleges before completing my Associates (if you're curious; Orange County Community College, Bellevue Community College, Brigham Young University-Hawaii, UVSC (now UVU))
14- I've never been hospitalized except when i had my kids
15- I'm a paranoid schizophrenic
Ok, I threw that last one in there just for fun. I thought I was too boring. ;)