Tuesday, February 16, 2010

On a funner note...

I cut bangs. Some days I love the totally new look they give...other days I hate them. haha...

Covered in sheetrock mud and eating cookies...

My Mother...Do It Yourself-er

My Sister Kim...Do It Yourself-er

Me...............NOT a Do It Yourself-er

So we are currently "mudding" the sheetrock in Shyler's room. Have you ever done this? If so, you can totally empathize...it SUCKS! Yes, SUCKS!

Really I don't have a lot of room to complain, Cole has done 90% of the room so far without me. I've been trying to catch up on housework and keeping Shyler's piano practicing up and homework...(I know, excuses)... Seriously though.

Ok, so tonight I thought, I'll go down and sand the mud so it will be all ready for Cole to do another layer. Oh what a sweet thought...

I did get a little done before he came home, but I didn't do a very good job...and I HATED it and once he arrived, all I did was complain about it until he kindly sent me upstairs to take care of the kids. And because I hated it so much, I don't even feel super guilty! Gasp! I'm terrible!

Seriously though...it's TERRIBLE and I am DREADING any further house updating we do. I don't know if I can handle it! AAARGH!

Here is our not very far along room...
I can't believe I seriously thought that this project would be quick! The sad (and super scary) thing is that we have an ENTIRE house that needs this updating... Oh the pain!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jump up, Jump up and get down!

I am coaching a Jump Club team at Shyler's school! Today was our first practice. I have the kindergartners and they are so cute! Many of them don't know how to jump rope, so we are just practicing the basics. The ropes today were all too long, so we spent most of the time swinging a big rope and taking turns jumping. It is only 45 minutes long and I think the kids had a lot of fun. Next week I'll cut the ropes down so they can actually jump with them! haha.

Hard Hat Required Beyond This Point

After 8 years in our house...we've finally begun some serious remodeling. Sadly it is only in one room...Shyler's....but hey, you gotta begin somewhere! Shyler's room had some nasty old wood paneling that just HAD TO GO! And so on Saturday, Cole and I began ripping it off... next step, finish the sheetrocking we've begun...then we'll mud and sand...then it'll be time for painting... woohoo! Stay tuned!!!