Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter 2009

We had a great Easter this year. The Easter Bunny hid the kids' dyed eggs in the yard and before church they went out to find them.

(Yes, that is a Halloween basket...the easter bunny didn't leave baskets for the kids, he left them Hannah Montana and Cars hamper/bin things, so he didn't have a basket...oops...)
Thanks to Grandma Alice and Grandma Sandra for giving the kids really cute Easter outfits. They looked adorable!
We went to Church and after went to Grandma Alice and Grandpa Steven's for a fun party with the family. The kids had a candy/egg hunt there and got to play with their cousins.

Above: This is my nephew Korbin...Cuteness runs in the family...
Above: The adults wanted some fun too, so we did a relay. Here's Jenny spinning around a really short bat...hahaha


Becky and Brandon said...

Easton and Shyler are adorable in their Easter outfits! You have some cute kids!

Nicole Fryer said...

They are so cute! Looks like you had a great Easter.

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Looks fun! :D