Friday, April 1, 2011

crazy things I do with friends...

So a few weeks back I had a Girls Night in Park City with some of my girlfriends... we had a BLAST! As you can see in the pictures... I am the weird one.. hahaha

above: my friend Amanda on the left, her face is hilarious!

above: As you can see...Amanda is weird like me too. hahaha

below: ya... I have no words...

above: Cambridge wasn't embarrassed to be seen with me in my awesome shades!


Jennyfuur said...

FUN!!! Looks like you had a blast!!!

Tara Oliver said...

that does look like a lot of fun. I remember when girls' night was always when the men were at Preiesthood session. but then I had kids. :) makes me want to get out for a girls' weekend!!