Monday, June 8, 2009

Eight Years

Cole and I have been married for 8 years today! 8 years!!! A lot has happened in 8 years.....
Year One... We were married on June 8, 2001 in Mapleton. We lived in my parent's basement apartment, both working and not a care in the world...
Year Two...we were sealed on August 2, 2002 in the Manti Utah Temple! Bliss! Oh yes, and we also purchased our home that year....not so blissful paying a mortgage..haha
Year Three... We had our beautiful daughter Shyler. Cole was SO protective of her. Nothing sweeter than a Daddy and his little girl. :)
Year Four...Hmm...
Year Five...Just living and working, and loving being parents...
Year Six...Easton was born! A boy and a girl...Luckily I got them both, cause Cole is DONE! haha. Easton was a much easier birth and it's so fun to have him!!
Year Seven...Crazy time with two!
Year Eight....We're here!
Oh my...I know we have done lots of fun and great things, but nothing means more to me than my husband, and the two precious angels he and I share...That's what I measure my life with...
I love you Cole!
****Correction- Cole says we actually bought our house in the first year!!***


Jill said...

Happy Anniversary Kendra. Eight years. That's something to celebrate!

Andrea said...

Congrats! I love Year Four's events. :)