Thursday, April 28, 2011

Easter Fun

Shyler came home a few weeks ago asking if we could do a craft.

-Sure, I said, let me think of something.

-Nope, she said, I already have something I want to is what we need....

And the finished product is below :)

Aren't those adorable! I thought they were...

Here are the kids in their Easter Sunday outfits. initially I wasn't very happy with the dress Shyler had picked out, there were a lot of really cute ones at JCPenney, but this really was more "her" and it looked beautiful on her. Easton got his very first suit and looked so handsome! (ignore the fact that he had to pee, and I insisted on a photo first.. haha)

We had a great Easter with family and I will post those pictures later.


Jennyfuur said...

Hahaha Awesome!!!

Tara Oliver said...

what a cute project! and I can't believe how grown up Easton looks in a suit. we were gone on Easter Sunday, so I didn't get to see them in church. so adorable!!