Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Happy Girl

Shyler has begged for almost 2 years to learn to play the guitar. We told her she had to take piano first. So for over a year and a half I fought with her to practice her piano each week... it was a nightmare most of the time. Finally I decided to let her give guitar a shot, since she still hadn't let up on the desire to learn that. So yesterday was her first lesson (she's taking from my uncle's mother in law). She LOVED it!! And she practiced ALL night! I had to make her put the guitar away for bed. It was pretty cute!


Andrea said...

I'm so glad she likes it!

Sassy Salsa girl said...

That's cool!

Keary Taylor said...

How fun!

Tara Oliver said...

that is really cool, Kendra!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

So cool! My husband plays and I want my kids to learn guitar... piano too haha ;)