Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yesterday I decided...

...to chop off my hair. If you know me, you know that I like to change my hair. A lot. Color, cut, curly, straight, you name it..
Back in 2009, I had this cut and color:

I actually LOVED it...

Recently, I've been trying to grow my hair out so that it will look better when i want to wear it curly (natural). But with all the coloring and styling damage, I was afraid it was not looking it's best and i was getting SICK of it! So as usually is the case, I made a rash decision to chop it again to the above cut.

I decided I for sure needed to color my hair. A month or two back, I went brown from being blonde...but over the weeks, it's faded A LOT. So I hit up the local Sally's Beauty Supply and bought some temporary color. A warm brown. I also picked up a new blow dryer- this time I splurged on a ceramic ion one that the sales lady said should be much better than my cheap-o walmart one...

I applied the color last night, deep conditioned while I slept...and this morning I used my new blow-dryer and a round brush...

WOW! The color really gave some life back to my hair and the dryer truly was AMAZING! I was able to round brush my hair straight, and virtually frizz-free!!! That NEVER happens! Typically I am blow-drying and using a flat iron!

I'm so happy...I think I'll keep my long locks a bit longer. :)

The End


Jennyfuur said...

Looks awesome!!!

Andrea said...

Very nice!

Unknown said...

It looks great! I have to flat iron after drying, too. It gets old, but it's worth it...I guess

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Pretty :D

sami said...

I like it!