Friday, October 31, 2008

Funny Story about Easton...

So, the other night I was at my mom's house for my neice MaKenzie's birthday party...Well we were supposed to wear costumes, and I decided not to wear my devil costume, I wore a really long blonde/yellow wig and a coconut bra instead. Well Easton had fallen down or something and was crying for his mommy. I went over and picked him up to snuggle him, like a good mommy should...he looked at me, continued crying and saying, "I want my mommy!"...I said, "Easton, I am your mommy."...He stopped crying, looked at me funny...then started laughing, when he realized, that in fact, I was his mommy! It was pretty funny. We all got a good laugh out of it!


Unknown said...

How funny! You need to post a picture of you in the wig and the coconut bra!

Amber said...

Thats so funny Easton did the same thing to me (when I dyed my hair dark last week) But he won't come to me until Nick said that I was his mommy and that it was okay. Boy are those Easton's funny!!

steph said...

Funny story! Your kids were soooo cute in their Halloween costumes. Shyler looks so beautiful and all grown up. I love her dress and can't believe you altered it yourself. You are one talented mamma. Easton is so darling too! What a little stud! I also love that you and Cole dressed up. We need to do that too. Our kids were wondering why we didn't.