Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Easton's Adventure with the Dentist

This past Friday we took Easton to the hospital to have some dental work done. Poor kid had enormous cavaties in his back bottom molars and had to have crowns put on. He also need two fillings on his top molars....so in order to save him from pain and scar him for life about dentists, we opted to have him put under general anesthesia and do all the work in one swoop. I'm so grateful we did! He was soooo great! He behaved beautifully while we waited for the dentist, and then he went back in the wagon with the nurses. They said he was really sweet and not scared at all when they took him back. The work all went great and the dentist said it would be his easiest case all day! They rolled Easton back into the room on a bed and he was still trying to wake up. When he was more alert, he asked to get out of the bed, and he curled up on Daddy's lap. We were checked out in less than an hour, and Easton was already eating things on the way home! Never had any side effects or complained of pain. My little trooper....

1 comment:

Nate said...

Oh poor little Easton!!