Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A visit from the tooth fairy....

Shyler lost her very first tooth last night! She's been wiggling it for days now, and one bite into her corn last night loosened it up that last little bit to where later she could pull it out. We attempted the tooth floss trick, but it kept slipping off...and of course she was scared for us to pull it, so we just let her play with it until it popped out...Well she was wandering around wiggling it, and when it popped out, she dropped it. Well we have longer carpet and it's speckled with beige/brown/cream colors...we were all on our hands and knees searching for the tooth! Finally we found it caught somewhere on shyler's pants...phew!

So she had a little visit from the tooth fairy last night that left her $1 and a little note to thank her for the healthy white tooth. :) She was SO excited to find it this morning...I think it's the happiest she's been when waking up in a long time.

1 comment:

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Cute :D I never got any thank you notes from the tooth fairy, lol! What a good idea.