Wednesday, August 26, 2009


It's official! I have a child in school! Shyler had her very first day of Kindergarten! This morning she woke up happy, took a shower, I made pancakes and helped her get dressed and do her hair. I decided to take her myself on her very first day, and just be late for work. Totally worth it! :) She picked the outfit that she and Grandma Alice had gone shopping for and purchased last week. It was SO cute on her! She was so excited, that while I was getting ready, she came in and said, "Mom! How much longer until we get to go!!?"...oh how I wish that attitude of wanting to go to school would last her whole lifetime, however I am not that naive. :)

So we headed to the school, and Easton and I walked her in, but not without snapping a few pictures by the car, and by the school. We found her name at one of the tables, and she put her backpack on her chair...and then the nerves hit, and she was very uncomfortable, and I thought, oh no, she's going to freak out and start crying...but nope, I just talked with her, and I introduced her to the kids on either side of her...the boy on her right, is a cute little kid named, Mo. how cute is that!? haha. And the teeny tiny girl on the left is Laicie. So I tried to get them talking, and she slowly became more comfortable and once she pretty much started ignoring me, I knew that was my off Easton and I went. We got outside the school...and emotions hit. NO. I did NOT cry...however, I felt the rumblings of emotion, but I harnessed them and was a strong mother. No tears today. :) I survived. :)

(After school she said her favorite part was recess...of course)


Jill said...

I can't belive that her and Parker are old enough to be in preschool. Wow. She looks adorable!

Sassy Salsa girl said...

Awwww...For cute!

Nicole Fryer said...

Oh my gosh, I can't believe that she started Kindergarten. I am so proud of you I think I would have been bawling. Good Job!

Andrea said...


~Bones & Shany~ said...

Theyre growing up so fast....they are both adorable...

leigh hewett said...

I found you over at Nie's show and tell. I thought that you might enjoy a project that I have going on over at my Blog. Every Tuesday I host The Happiness Project. You simply post a photo of something that makes you happy and then link up.

I'm trying to take over the Blogosphere with happiness. Here is a link to this week's post if you want to see what it's all about.