Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How do you know?

Last night we were sitting with the kids reading scriptures (thanks to my friend Lori who let me borrow some young family-friendly scripture books) anyways...so Shyler and I were taking turns reading and Shyler says to me, "Mom, how do you know this really happened?" and I replied, "Well, you can ask Heavenly Father if it did and if it's true and he'll let you know. Like you might feel a warm inside." We finished up reading and she disappeared...a little while later she comes upstairs and says, "Mom when I first went downstairs I was cold, but then I was warm cause I asked Heavenly Father if it was true, and I felt warm"
M.e.l.t. M.y. H.e.a.r.t!!!


Sassy Salsa girl said...


Jill said...

That is adorable! What a sweetheart!

Unknown said...

that is so cute! :)