Tuesday, May 18, 2010

USS Crawdad Boil 2010

Every year my work hosts a "Crawdad Boil". They fly a bunch of crawdads in from Louisiana or something and boil them up for the masses. I don't eat them (nastiness) but they do a whole carnival thing that is SO fun! Cole couldn't come this year, but the kids and I had a great time!

Shyler and Easton launching rockets

Shyler finally being brave enough to hold a live crawdad

Samantha, Shyler and Easton just hanging out...

Shyler climbing the wall- I couldn't believe how brave she was being this year- trying everything!

Eating a hot dog...

Shyler LOVES mustard...and so does her face...

Me and the kids

Shyler with her totally awesome red hair
Me and Lacy "duking it out"

My friend Maria's son, Caleb...he was not a fan of the crawdads... haha


Sassy Salsa girl said...

It was awesome! I was really dubious that it would turn out as good with it being in the field behind USS instead of up hobble creek. It was way better! The rocket launching, and the "train" ride were great additions. On top of that I wasn't constantly worrying that one of my kids would wander off and drown in the pond, or the river, and there wasn't that extremely risky zip line that Bear had to go on last year. We didn't get any hotdogs or hamburgers though, the line was way to long, lol!

Jennyfuur said...

Too FUN!!!!!!