Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Day...

I've been inspired to try and write on here more and maybe someday I'll print it out like my friend Ramona in a fun, bound book!
So yesterday I made dinner for my sister Kimberly who was home with her twin boys and two little girls. I went over and held the boys, Tomasi and Timoteo (Timmytayo as Tayla likes to call him) while Kimberly and Masi ate their dinner. Holding them was so nice. They were quiet and peaceful, and beautiful. Little Timmy was sleeping and little Tommy was just looking up at me. Babies are so amazing! How could anyone not love a little baby!
I have to say though, it is going to be so much work for Kimberly and Masi. I don't envy that. But if anyone was meant to be a mother of twins, it's my sister Kimberly. She is so patient and loving with all children. They picked the perfect mother to come to.

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