Saturday, January 3, 2009

Sledding in 2009!

New Years Eve we went to Cole's grandparents house. They have a steep road to the side of their house that we always sled on..Well this year the snow had melted a bit and some big snow vehicles had been up the road, so it was just barely covering the gravel, but it still worked and the kids had a blast!

Shyler and her goofy faces...

My hot husband Cole. Love him.

Uncle Frank driving the kids up the hill. (Chelsea, Shyler, Jadee, and Destri's drivin)

Uncle Frank and Shyler

My cute little boy, Easton

Easton being pulled on the sled

Easton clinging to daddy's back as they got towed up the hill. Too cute!

This is my first ever attempt at snowboarding...Note that those are Cole's big snow boots, his jacket, and those pants are not insulated, or padded...I look hot, huh...hahaha NOT!

My first wreck...yea, bruised my tailbone pretty I mentioned before, there is probably an inch of packed snow over the gravel on the road..ouch...but I got up and went down the hill again..only wrecking two more times before I decided that was enough for the day...haha

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